A burden is a load which is too heavy and needs to be shared; but each of us should bear our own responsibilities, and not be lazy, expecting others to do our work for us.
Burdens are different: they may be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual; and we are not designed to carry them alone. Christ’s instructions is to love one another in such a way that the burden is shared (John 13:34). The Apostle Paul reminds us: Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ. – Gal. 6:2
Jerusalem was not a small village but a large city covering a significant area but as everyone worked together diligently the work got done. Working together lightens the burden of the work God has for us.
Much of the work that the church does relies upon everyone doing their part. We all have a role in God’s house when you’re tempted to wonder whether your part matters, remember you make a huge difference!
Ask this: How can you use your unique gifts and talents to build God’s house?
Read Nehemiah 3