God has made us to live in community. This community of love is meant to comfort the person who’s discouraged, to strengthen the person who’s weak, to encourage the person who has no hope, to come alongside the person who’s alone, to guide the person who’s lost his way, to give wisdom to the person lost in foolishness, to warn the person who’s beginning to wander, to correct the person turning the wrong way, to give eyes to the person blind to God’s presence, and to physically represent God’s presence and love. No one is wired to live outside this community.
That’s one of the reasons why our enforced social distancing is so hard on us. We long to connect with others!
Use that longing to propel you to encourage those who are isolated and alone.
Pray and ask God to help you make a list of 5 or more people that may be isolated, alone, or need encouragement during this period of social distancing. Pray for them daily and reach out to them regularly by phone or video call to talk with them and provide a time of mutual fellowship and encouragement. Pray together on the phone.
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:24-25, ESV
Apr '20

Encourage the Isolated & Lonely
Apr '20